Hijama cupping

What is hijama/wet cupping?

Hijama/Wet cupping is a highly recommended practice which has been encouraged. By prophet Mohammed peace be upon him.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also said: “If there is anything good in the medicines with which you treat yourselves, it is in the incision of the Hijama therapist…”  (Reference: Muslim, 2205)

How it is performed

hijama wet cupping : Sterilized cups are placed on selected points of the body. These sunnah points usually represent different organs and areas of the body and are very similar to meridian points.

A vacuum suction is then created which brings up toxins to the surface. This action also creates a natural local anaesthesia state in the area where the hijama/ wet cupping is to be performed. Cups are then removed and tiny hairline incisions are made on the surface of the skin where no or very little pain is felt. The cups then are placed back onto the points where the suction then draws out the toxic dirty blood.

Benefits After Hijama Wet cupping

After your major therapeutic detox you may feel refreshed and rejuvenated sometimes followed by a burst of energy.

After care instructions are given and must be followed strictly for maximum benefits and healing.